Long-Distance Relationships

How We Met

Meeting Through HelloTalk

Both of us are heavy users of HelloTalk, and we often practiced speaking by calling other users. When Bhaiya posted a moment asking for someone to call with, Sakura saw the message and responded. Talking to one another felt very relatable, and by learning more about one another they grew closer!

Later when Bhaiya when to visit Japan, he met with Sakura in Asakusa in front of KFC, and they had a fun day visiting Sensoji temple, eating udon and sour patch kids together, seeing Asahi’s poop building, going to karaoke with one of Sakura’s friends, and doing hip-hop dance with Sakura. We both felt like we were very similar, and we became attracted to one another.

Even though we are long distance, we find time to spend and enjoy together!!